深入了解shadowsocks-libev udp转发

什么是shadowsocks-libev udp转发?

shadowsocks-libev 是基于Socks5代理协议的网络软件,而UDP(User Datagram Protocol)是一种无连接的传输层协议。在网络通信中,有时候需要对UDP流量进行加密和代理,这就涉及到了shadowsocks-libev UDP转发




下面将介绍何配置 shadowsocks-libev UDP转发

  • 确保已装 ss-server

  • 使用命令行工具启动 ss-server

    • 示例:

    ss-server -c /etc/shadowsock/config.json –plugin obfs-server –plugin-opts “obfs=http” 确保config.json中已设置好相应参数。 The command line starts the with the specified configuration file and enables a plugin for obfuscation. The obfs=http in this example is the option setting for the obfuscation plugin. The parameters in your actual may vary based on your specific configuration. The above example assumes that you have installed ss-server, have a configuration file named config.json, and want to enable an obfusc
